PDF⋙ The Photograph: Composition and Color Design by Harald Mante

The Photograph: Composition and Color Design by Harald Mante

The Photograph: Composition and Color Design

The Photograph: Composition and Color Design by Harald Mante PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Harald Mante, one of the most distinguished teachers of the photographic arts in Germany and an internationally recognized master of photography, brings his teaching to us in the English language for the first time in more than 30 years. In The Photograph Mante explains the elements that are essential to achieving the highest level of visual design in photographs. This book is geared toward the serious intermediate and advanced photographer who strives to create outstanding images.

While a deep understanding of photographic techniques is required in order to master photography, technical knowledge alone is not sufficient to create outstanding images. Beyond the technical aspects, the crucial elements that determine the quality and strength of a photograph are the content of the image and its organization within the image frame. This is where the "art" of photography comes into play. Truly creative photography is based upon knowledge and mastery of design, and insight into how the viewer perceives images. The creative photographer can exploit this knowledge and push image making in new directions.

In this book, Mante explores the principles of line, shape, point, color, contrast, composition, and design in significantly greater depth and at a higher level than most any book available to date. He also covers a number of techniques to enhance expressiveness in a photograph and support the photographer's intentions.

These in-depth lessons are beautifully illustrated with more than 750 images from Mante's own portfolio, including over 160 diagrams.

The Photograph is a unique book that is sure to become an invaluable reference for anyone involved in photography-from the hobbyist to the professional; for both the digital and analog photographer; and for those practicing, studying, criticizing, or administering in the visual arts.

This second edition has been extensively revised and updated, and includes 60 new images and illustrations. Also included are new chapters that cover analyzing shapes and colors and a discussion of the square image format.

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